Entering the New Reality; November 2021

Talk about shell shock! The energies have grounded after several CME’s* hit the earth with geomagnetic radiation to crystallize final carbon components of your spiritual body. Every alive human is now walking through a paradigm-shifted reality, where the veil is lifted and former forms of external mind control and manipulation become unmistakably obvious and in-our-faces. Each person’s speed of acceptance of the information that is being revealed to us at this time will vary; ultimately, we each need to trust the divine timing of life, and if we don’t know what’s going to happen, then it’s best we don’t assume it’s worst case scenario.

As you approach each moment of this month, allow yourself to go towards where your life force energy is magnetized toward – even if you are guided towards new environments or groups of people, if it resonates with your soul, and you’re interested, that’s a sign that there’s a latent crystalline skill or talent that’s ready to activate and come online. This skill or talent can only activate if you interact with reality and give yourself a chance to try out new things.

Just because you don’t have experience being skilled or talented in a certain area, doesn’t mean there’s no potential for you there; rather, your soul is leading you there so you can continue to live a life that is in alignment with soul! This energy can also give us access to whole new ways of perceiving and interacting with a pre-existing environment or group or people. So trust that as you interact with vibrations that activate your soul, you will continue to have new and better ideas about how to use you logic, skill, and creativity, to continue to validate your ability to provide yourself with a life that you truly enjoy.

Want to learn more about the energies of this month and advice on how to spiritually navigate them in alignment with your highest potential vibration? Read my monthly lightcoded energy report here.

I hope this helps!

With love,
Oracle Brigette

*Learn more about CME’s on spaceweather.com