The Scam of Forgiveness

Read below for Brigette’s newest philosophy! “The Cult of Forgiveness” Parts 1 & 2 by Brigette Cormier The Cult of Forgiveness An irrelevant concept for those who participate in unconditional love. To Participate in “forgiveness” one has to first have something to forgive. For someone to need to forgive someone, it implies they are holding something against that person. But

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Lightworker News & Affirmations: The May 2024 Report

I hope this energy report is helpful and powerful for you. Included, are lightcodes, spiritual guidance, guided affirmations, and a tarot & oracle card reading to clarify the mood, challenge, and solution of May 2024. Enjoy! With love, Oracle B Membership levels with automatic access to the video in the Video Portal: Quartz, Gold, GarnetLearn more about website membership here.

Being a Sexy Woman: An Act of Bravery

*New Article* By Brigette Cormier Ladies, look at the video above- do you remember this time? When being sexy felt powerful, and society reflected that respect back at you? This video reminds me of a time when I equated feeling sexy to feeling powerful, and it seemed both men and women accepted and respected this, in my childhood innocence. Now

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