Passive vs. Active Manifestation, & 2 Steps to Begin Actively Manifesting

Everything resonates. Everything has a vibration. The vibration of our thoughts, emotions, actions and words will determine the quality of our lives, because they determine the vibration of our manifestations. Passive manifestation happens – if you don’t monitor your thoughts, if you let your emotions run rampant, if you make unconscious choices, and/or speak words without considering the consequence. Everything

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Aligning with Gratitude in Times of Self-Doubt (Ascension Symptoms)

Can you really get knocked off your center if you weren’t grounded there in the first place? And what is the purpose of being knocked off, but to teach us that there’s a deeper grounding that needs to take place? #perspective. The recognition that our stance in a grounded, peaceful, center is feeble and insecure is yet another form of

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New Video Posted: Interview w/ a Pleiadian Starseed on Embracing Your Cosmic Self 👽✨

There’s a new video posted on the YouTube page! I’ve posted it here with a description for your convenience 😇 cuz ilu. See the video on YouTube here: Content by Brigette Cormier @lovesteadylife Published on May 13, 2018 I had the honor of having Meagan (@meagwhit on IG) as a guest on my lightworker talk show! Live on instagram,

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A Note on the Varying Levels of Inner-Self Awareness in the Ascension Process

I’m so curious about the embodiment process of spiritual ascension.🧐 Hence, this website. 10 years after learning about it, and experiencing my own process, I will share that on occasion it feels equal parts magical and pain in the a$$. And while it’s true most people don’t understand what 5D, embodiment, or ascension is, that doesn’t change the fact that: those of us

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A Note About Amplified Energetic Sensitivity & an Intro to Grounding Your Energy✨

Amidst these epic energy downloads and upgrades – you may feel extra expanded, as if the pores in your energy field have been opened. As if being an empath wasn’t potent enough, the universe is NOT waiting for us to get acclimated before we’re inundated with wave after wave of upgrades. It must mean that we’re not meant to STAY

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Opening the 3rd Eye, an Introduction

By Brigette Cormier 👁😲✨ With my third eye open I can sense that I haven’t been viewing my life with a broad enough scope, so I zoom out. Anyone can open their third eye chakra – 👁 meditate, find stillness, and explore your inner world with your eyes closed, often. Eventually, after you’ve practiced stillness on the regular, higher self

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