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Tips to Stay in the Moment

By Brigette Cormier Fight the SENSORY OVERLOAD and let’s learn how to navigate the bright colors and complex communication styles of the higher vibratory planes ✨ Be in the moment. Take stock of the circumstances – how you feel, what you see, and what the energy in your body is doing. Look around and take mental snapshots of the details

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By Dr. Suzanne Lie 11-30-11 THE LAW OF RESONANCE Our Dear Ascending Ones, Once you have traveled through the Doorway, Portal, Stargate, (which is not time-bound, so there is no “date” for this journey) you will be 100% responsible for everything that comes into your life. In New Earth, which is the Threshold World into the fifth dimension, every random thought

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by Dr. Suzanne Lie 12-6-11 Living in Multiple Realities Dear Arcturians, I wish to ask you about the blending of the two realities, the reality on the Starship and the reality on Earth. Whenever I visit the Ship, I become very reflective, almost sad, afterwards. If the day or time after a visit is very busy, then I am distracted from

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The Danger of Expectations

by Brigette Cormier Expectations HOLD US in a particular vibration. They LIMIT the scope of our perspective and disallow the mind from opening and grasping new higher vibrational concepts. Expectations create walls where doorways could be, because we are not meant to fathom the most divine, so our attempt to “imagine and expect” it to be a certain way, limits

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Tips for Empaths: Rewriting Destructive Mental Patterns Part 2

By Brigette Cormier Make sure you read Part 1 of this series so you know what’s going on here… Here’s where we left off, on rewriting mental patterns to prevent the descent into victimhood a.k.a. the empath’s anxiety attack: REWRITING MENTAL PATTERNS PART 1: 1. Pin point the MOMENT, recognize the feeling of transition of mental state 2. Take accountability

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Tips for Empaths: Rewriting Destructive Mental Patterns Part 1

By Brigette Cormier This is a two-part blog series on TAKING BACK YOUR POWER. As an empath/HSP, can you recall moments when you DESCEND INTO VICTIMHOOD? Especially when going out in public, can you recall that moment when you went from okay & hopeful, to FALLING down an internal well of despair/discomfort? I’m calling that the DESCENT INTO VICTIMHOOD. Ok.

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Welcome to the Love Steady Arts & Lifestyle Blog

Your source for 5D inspo from me, Brigette Cormier. I’m an artist, writer, and choreographer, and on this blog I’ll be sharing my metaphysical motivations, poetry, writings, and more. If you’re a lightworker, curious about embodied spiritual ascension, or just need some high vibrational inspiration, I’m your girl and this is the blog you want to subscribe to. Follow me

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