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The Sovereignty Papers: Parts 1-1.8

Written by Brigette Cormier 5/9/2020 Gold Member Content The second series of teachings about multidimensionality and cosmic downloads by Oracle Brigette as part of The Ascension Papers. All divine truths can be perceived from multiple dimensions, accessed through different avenues. These writings offer one avenue, and do not exist with the intention to negate any other teaching. I believe all

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May to Mid-June 2020 Energy Report

by Oracle Brigette Written on 5/5/2020 About the Spread: 3 Themes: 1. Standing Firm “I am noble, brave, and strong.”2. Being in the Flow “I am in the flow of the universe.”3. Awakening Ancient Wisdom “deep inner knowing is emerging within me.” If you let it go, it will flow 2 Challenges: 1. Knight of Pentacles + Happy, Happy2. The

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Your Imagination is a Portal

An article by Brigette Cormier 5/1/2020 Free content 👁📝 Fear and self-doubt block your access to imagination. And imagination is the portal to manifestation of heaven on earth. You have a plot available on heaven on earth (5D) but it is only accessible thru the activation of your conscious imagination. In 3D self doubt and fear have been inundated into

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Late Night Live Spiritual Interview on YouTube✨

Watch this live late night interview with Drew @ Chalkbodyoutline on YouTube (Adult Program). In this video we talked about things like ascension, wearing masks, and what might happen in the 5D vibe shift. It was fun. Thanks for having me, Drew! Subscribe to his YT page: Subscribe to my YT page:

Timeline Saturation Part 4: As We Evolve, So Do the Higher Vibrational Beings

Written by Brigette Cormier April 2020 Silver & Gold Member Content Ascended Masters, Angels, higher vibrational beings, and heavenly entities; did you know these beings also participate in the spiritual ascension that is currently underway? Earth, and earthlings (humans) are the first beings to shift in vibration, and our raising of vibration with the planet to 5D has a ripple

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Timeline Saturation Part 3: The Tesseract Effect

Written by Brigette Cormier 3/28/2020 Gold Member Content. (Also available in the Article Shop) Table of Contents:3.1 How One Person’s Choices Affect the Collective3.2 Portal Dimensionality3.3 The Importance of Accessing Portals from Free Will 3.1 How One Person’s Choices Affect the Collective Being a portal opener means creating space for others to enter new vibrations. Vibrations, energy, is truly contagious.

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Timeline Saturation Part 2: The Grid

March 27, 2020 ­- An Article by Brigette Cormier Gold Member Content. (Also available in the Article Shop) Continued Teachings from Part 1 Table of Contents2.1 Personal Locations on a Global Grid2.2 Your Birthright to Be Untouchable To the Dark2.3 The Infectious Nature of 5D2.4 Global Network Activation 2.1 Personal Locations on a Global Grid Each person has a parallel

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