Entering the New Reality; November 2021

Talk about shell shock! The energies have grounded after several CME’s* hit the earth with geomagnetic radiation to crystallize final carbon components of your spiritual body. Every alive human is now walking through a paradigm-shifted reality, where the veil is lifted and former forms of external mind control and manipulation become unmistakably obvious and in-our-faces. Each person’s speed of acceptance

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Your Imagination is a Portal

An article by Brigette Cormier 5/1/2020 Free content 👁📝 Fear and self-doubt block your access to imagination. And imagination is the portal to manifestation of heaven on earth. You have a plot available on heaven on earth (5D) but it is only accessible thru the activation of your conscious imagination. In 3D self doubt and fear have been inundated into

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Timeline Saturation Part 4: As We Evolve, So Do the Higher Vibrational Beings

Written by Brigette Cormier April 2020 Silver & Gold Member Content Ascended Masters, Angels, higher vibrational beings, and heavenly entities; did you know these beings also participate in the spiritual ascension that is currently underway? Earth, and earthlings (humans) are the first beings to shift in vibration, and our raising of vibration with the planet to 5D has a ripple

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💫What is Co-Creation? How to Access the Co-Creation Energy💫

by Brigette Cormier What is co-creation? You create with God, as God’s creation.⚡️ The idea comes from the concept that in the 5th Dimension each person’s “God Spark”, also known as the Christ-body-template,  is activated. And with that activation comes the permanent resonance and residence in the 5th Dimension (5D). And as a member of the 5th Dimension you are

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Noticing New Earth, and a Note on Embodying Higher Self vs. Channeling from the Ethers✨

Here’s a poem, and some thoughts on embodying higher self. Enjoy! The energy of Home The energy of authentic self The energy of divinely embodying higher self I’m more centered than I’ve ever been More at home in my skin; And while the outside world shifts to unrecognizable, I find the energy of Home within. – Brigette Cormier I’m more

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New Video Posted: Interview w/ a Pleiadian Starseed on Embracing Your Cosmic Self 👽✨

There’s a new video posted on the YouTube page! I’ve posted it here with a description for your convenience 😇 cuz ilu. See the video on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK0xFm8SWNI Content by Brigette Cormier @lovesteadylife Published on May 13, 2018 I had the honor of having Meagan (@meagwhit on IG) as a guest on my lightworker talk show! Live on instagram,

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A Note About Amplified Energetic Sensitivity & an Intro to Grounding Your Energy✨

Amidst these epic energy downloads and upgrades – you may feel extra expanded, as if the pores in your energy field have been opened. As if being an empath wasn’t potent enough, the universe is NOT waiting for us to get acclimated before we’re inundated with wave after wave of upgrades. It must mean that we’re not meant to STAY

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