Noticing New Earth, and a Note on Embodying Higher Self vs. Channeling from the Ethers✨

Here’s a poem, and some thoughts on embodying higher self. Enjoy! The energy of Home The energy of authentic self The energy of divinely embodying higher self I’m more centered than I’ve ever been More at home in my skin; And while the outside world shifts to unrecognizable, I find the energy of Home within. – Brigette Cormier I’m more

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A Note on the Varying Levels of Inner-Self Awareness in the Ascension Process

I’m so curious about the embodiment process of spiritual ascension.🧐 Hence, this website. 10 years after learning about it, and experiencing my own process, I will share that on occasion it feels equal parts magical and pain in the a$$. And while it’s true most people don’t understand what 5D, embodiment, or ascension is, that doesn’t change the fact that: those of us

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A Note on Lightworkers Embodying Higher Self

Life isn’t innately or solely a balance of light, for now, as we sense our shadow self and are aware of its weight/existence (and mystery) with our every breath. As lightworkers and self-aware beings we continue to choose to integrate our awareness into our shadow self, making the unconscious, conscious. We utilize the fact that awareness is activated love/light. We

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