Tips for Empaths: Rewriting Destructive Mental Patterns Part 2

By Brigette Cormier Make sure you read Part 1 of this series so you know what’s going on here… Here’s where we left off, on rewriting mental patterns to prevent the descent into victimhood a.k.a. the empath’s anxiety attack: REWRITING MENTAL PATTERNS PART 1: 1. Pin point the MOMENT, recognize the feeling of transition of mental state 2. Take accountability

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Tips for Empaths: Rewriting Destructive Mental Patterns Part 1

By Brigette Cormier This is a two-part blog series on TAKING BACK YOUR POWER. As an empath/HSP, can you recall moments when you DESCEND INTO VICTIMHOOD? Especially when going out in public, can you recall that moment when you went from okay & hopeful, to FALLING down an internal well of despair/discomfort? I’m calling that the DESCENT INTO VICTIMHOOD. Ok.

Continue readingTips for Empaths: Rewriting Destructive Mental Patterns Part 1