End of June – July 2020 Energy Report

Published June 28, 2020By Oracle Brigette @lovesteadylife It is your birthright to exist and choose your energy frequency. I hope this reading can inspire and remind you of that, while offering a heads-up on the current and coming cosmic energies, with spiritual guidance on how to best navigate those energies to align you with your highest vibrational heart-center. Recommended approach

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May to Mid-June 2020 Energy Report

by Oracle Brigette Written on 5/5/2020 About the Spread: 3 Themes: 1. Standing Firm โ€œI am noble, brave, and strong.โ€2. Being in the Flow โ€œI am in the flow of the universe.โ€3. Awakening Ancient Wisdom โ€œdeep inner knowing is emerging within me.โ€ If you let it go, it will flow 2 Challenges: 1. Knight of Pentacles + Happy, Happy2. The

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Weekly Oracle Reading Video ๐Ÿ”ฅ Clarity Message for Aug. 22-31 ๐Ÿ”ฎ

Hereโ€™s the footage from this weekโ€™s oracle guidance sessions on Instagram! ๐Ÿ‘ Please enjoy this intuitive oracle guidance and clarity for the upcoming weekend/week! This reading was done on 8/22/18 and is valid through the rest of the month. ๐Ÿ”ฎ I share this guidance from the universe with gratitude, for us, I hope you enjoy it! This is live, barely

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